Are We Men a Bit Emotionally Dysfunctional?

I believe so. It's in our nature due to how we've been raised, generations through generations. We weren't raised with the skills and emotional practice needed to lean into discomfort. We spend most of our lives trying to outrun vulnerability and painful emotions.
I don't remember where I found this funny meme, but it exists for a reason; it's not just made out of the blue. The saying "behind every joke, there is some truth" is a common expression that suggests that jokes often contain a kernel of truth or insight. And the kernel of this joke is pretty big, I would say, because it's very accurate.
As with everything in life, if we're not familiar with it or don't practice it, how in the world would we be good at it? The same goes for talking about emotions. It's tough if you've barely done it before. On top of it, it's a VULNERABLE thing to do, which makes it even harder.
But damn, it's so releasing to have an open, raw, and vulnerable conversation with another human!
The other day, I met with a friend. An accountability check meetup, where we hold each other accountable for what we want to accomplish, goals, etc. But we unintentionally got into one of the more vulnerable talks I've ever had with a man (outside Bro Retreats). It was so beautiful in its purest form. ♥️
I'm not saying that every conversation between two people needs to end up like this one, but at least be open that it can, and dare to step into it wholeheartedly and be there in the moment. That's compassion! That's connection! And it's so fucking liberating!
I want not only every man who comes to the retreat to take his personal communication and relationship with himself to the next level by doing the necessary inner work but also to bring that back to his partner. That inner work we do with ourselves translates to better conversations and better relationships.
As one of the Bros had to say from one of the previous retreats:
"A paradigm shift in how I view both myself and my relationships. This saved my marriage."
Ready to level up your relationships and communication game? 🚀
#broretreats #mensretreat #mensretreats #vulnerability #relationships #communication